Wednesday 29 February 2012

What Do You See?

The reflection of ourselves.... What do you want to see when you're looking back at the image that appears in front of you? What do you think the meaning of this existence is and what do you really want to accomplish in this life? Be the best you can be, treat others as you would like to be treated yourself, help people that are in need or that you meet along your way and do not judge others just because it's not you! I think people are focusing to much on what's going on in their own world.. I believe that we are missing what's really important in life and the real reason why we're all here. Focus on what you love and work really hard for what you want and success/happiness will come to you, but do not forget the people who are around you!! Spread your energy and LOVE that you're carrying inside of yourself, and true happiness will appear <3

Thursday 23 February 2012

New Education!

I have been accepted to the institute of WhiteHouse in Melbourne, where I will be doing a 3 year Bachelor of Design degree (Styling and Creative Direction). Some of the subjects that I will be studying are going to be; Interior design, visual merchandising, Fashion Styling etc. I'm super excited and I feel that I have truly found the right place 4 me.. I have done 2 days so far and everyone that I have met seems really nice. I love being surrounded by passionated people that have high ambitions and strong goals, It's truly refreshing and gives me allot of inspiration/ motivation. It's such an creative and amazing atmosphere at WhiteHouse and I can feel that this is even effecting my songwriting.... I was so inspired after coming back home from school the other day that I went straight to the piano and wrote a very emotional song that I really felt for. I think that this is just what I need and I can't wait to see what this experience will bring :)

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Steve Madden

I love Shoes from Steve Madden!!!! I just bought a new pair of Leopard Wedges, and they are my favourites atm.. <3

Monday 20 February 2012

The Battle

I love writing songs! When I write songs it’s always true based stories or emotions that I take inspiration from. It makes me feel like nothing ells, But.. Allot of times when I get a track sent to me by a producer I struggle with the melody and structure of the song. I think it’s because i’m not sitting down in front of my piano or guitar when i’m in a state of an inspired mind. The times when I really feel for the songs that I write is when I’m alone with my acoustic instruments. One good tip that I have for people that write their own music is to figure out the cords from the backing track, make it into an acoustic version and then try to write to it. That works better for me any way :) It’s hard to write a good, strong & catchy songs, but one day it will just come, and that is the day when inspiration decides to take over. 

Photo Shoot!!

Last weekend I did a new Photo Shoot for my Music Portfolio. It’s always fun to take new photos but allot of times I have felt that the idea/ concept that I have before the shoot and the final result does not always turn out as I want it to. I’m really happy with this shoot though and I think this photos describes more of who I am then any other shoots that I have done before. 

DJ Practise

Lately I have been practising DJing, and I absolutely love it!!!!
I have downloaded so much great tunes and to day I received my new White DJ headphones :)

I purchased them from ebay

Candy Berry!!!!

My friends Sam & Mel came over the other night and we decided that we wanted to get up to a random adventure… as always lol :) so they came over with magical berries that makes everything you eat taste like candy for two hours!!!!!!!! we sat and eat lemons and other weird/random stuff the whole night HAHAHA… So much fun lol :) ♥

You can read about it here and it is available to order from the internet:

First Post

Hey everyone! This is my first post in my new blog :)
This blog will be a very personal blog that will contain stories/ photos of what I get up to on a daily basis, deep thoughts and also a lot of recommendations of things that i like or find interesting. <3